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How does a launching gantry work?

date:Dec 19th, 2023
A launching gantry is a type of specialized equipment used in construction and civil engineering to assemble and lift heavy structures, such as bridge segments, into place. The gantry typically consists of a horizontal beam or track mounted on supports, and it is equipped with hydraulic jacks or other lifting mechanisms.
The process of using a launching gantry typically involves the following steps:
  1. Assembly: The gantry is set up and secured in position at the construction site.

  2. Positioning: The gantry is positioned over the construction area where the heavy structure is to be assembled or lifted.

  3. Lifting: The hydraulic jacks or lifting mechanisms on the gantry are activated to raise and lift the heavy structure, such as a bridge segment, into position.

  4. Transport: Once the structure is lifted, the gantry may also be used to move or transport the structure horizontally into its final position.

  5. Lowering: After positioning the structure, the gantry is used to carefully lower and release the structure into place.

The specific operation of a launching gantry can vary depending on the design and the type of construction project it is being used for, but the general principle is to provide a safe and efficient means of assembling and lifting heavy structures during construction.

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