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Advantages of European cranes

date:Jul 19th, 2022

The European-style single-girder bridge crane is generally composed of three major parts: mechanical, electrical and metal structures. European single girder overhead crane is an important tool and equipment for mechanization and automation of production process in modern industrial production and lifting and transportation. Therefore, European-style single-girder bridge cranes have been widely used in indoor and outdoor industrial and mining enterprises, iron and steel chemical industry, railway transportation, port terminals and logistics turnover and other departments and places.

The European single girder bridge crane operating room is divided into three types: open type, closed type and thermal insulation. The entrance of the operation room platform is divided into three types: side surface, end surface and top surface. The European-style single-girder bridge cranes are divided into two types: indoor and outdoor. When ordering, the technical requirements such as the high and low temperature of the working environment and the type of power supply should be indicated. In addition, the European-style single-girder bridge crane also adds an overload limiter, a large-screen display and various protection devices, which further increases the stability during use.

The European-style single-girder bridge crane is mainly composed of a bridge frame, a cart operating mechanism, a trolley, and electrical equipment. According to the frequency of use, it is divided into three working levels: A5, A6, and A7. The operation of the hook bridge crane is all completed in the driver. European single-girder cranes also have the following advantages:

1. The European-style single-girder bridge crane is the first in the design of honeycomb girder, which has the characteristics of light weight, large load and strong wind resistance.

2. The steel pin connection is not only firm and reliable, but also the assembly time is short.

3. Flexible rod outriggers can be disassembled into a single piece for construction site steering, which is convenient for transportation.

4. The small installed capacity solves the difficulty of using electricity for field construction.

The above is the structure and advantages of European single girder overhead crane.
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